This is our collective area of thoughts and discussion in preparation for Burning Man 2010. This year is particularly exciting, being the first year that Sierra Nevada College is offering Burning Man as a class. Think about that for a moment and what lucky individuals we are – most people will never have that opportunity.

And while we are in the spirit of thinking about things! I have another thought to ponder. This class is (wrongly) listed on the course schedule as NWGN 430 – Burning Man Instillation. (as opposed to installation). However, if anything, that false title might be more accurate. What does it mean to instill? If you take a moment to ask the wizard google it, you’ll find something like this:

  • to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings; insinuate
  • to introduce by gradual, persistent efforts; implant

I believe that this will be what this experience will be about. Participation in Burning Man is something that you grow into. You may not know what to begin thinking about making year one, and like me, you probably will have a hard time even explaining what Burning Man is to people even after two years.

All in all, Burning Man will change your life for the better, and I am very excited for you, myself and all of us.